A Light Touch Combat Larp in Denver, CO.
A Light Touch Combat Larp in Denver, CO.
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to be the hero of a fantasy novel?
Ever ached to get away from the mundane, and explore the realms of fiction, even just for a short time?
If so, the Arcanorum Team invites you to join a community of over a hundred like-minded people, and spend a weekend up in the beautiful mountains of Colorado, or the wide expanses of our sister Kansas chapter, Grimoire, to indulge in a fantastical adventure run by our dedicated and talented staff.
While here, you'll take on a persona of an adventurer in a high fantasy setting where player characters, mythic creatures, and gods meet for an entire weekend at our LARP (Live Action Roleplaying) event.
Many adventures await you in-game:
A young person might rush into town seeking for assistance in dealing with a wounded angel, or a horde of the cursed may stumble in from one of the outlying villages and pleas for aid may interrupt your meal.
Perhaps a wisewoman will seek your aid in forging arcane barriers against a blood cult or, instead, one of the dark-robed cult members might invite you to join them and craft a late night ritual.
How you choose to tackle these and many other threads of story in our interactive events is up to you, your team, and the community at large!
So, head on over to the Rules, and start dreaming up the character you've always wanted to be, connect with us on our various social media, and join us at our next event - we look forward to having you with us!
- The Arcanorum Team